There's got to be more to life

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Ok, so today is the last day we get back our prelim paper. One word to describe: Horrendous. I got 13 for L1R5. Extremely disappointed and frustrated. I had hoped to get a single digit.

Well, I'm not the only one suffer from such a pathetic result. The whole cohort is in the same boat, LOL. Like... English, none got A1, a few got A2, mostly B3 to C5. Lit: no A1, not more than 20 A2s... Haizzz. Seriously, I didn't expect us to do that bad. It's shocking to not only the students but also the teachers. Scare the crap out of me. I really need to do something.

Though all of us get the same horrifying result, not all decide to continue to work hard. The result frustrate us, and some have decided to drop a few certain subjects. I wonder whether the teachers gave us such mark so that we'll be frightened and work harder. If it's true, I would say they are totally WRONG!! Their move just makes us more miserable and discouraged and chances are many will give up.

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