There's got to be more to life

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Yeah yeah yeah... Yahoo 360 sucks, so I move my house to blogspot.

Just back from Open house. It's super duper fun fun fun. I played with some chemicals and accidentally pour sulphuric acid on my left hand (dilute acid). It's dang itchy now. Got cerium ammonium spilled on my skirt. Amazingly my skirt turns violet and then to maroon... I award myself a crystal garden. It's actually the building up of some salts. It looks like small water plant. Quite fascinating. Then I got free burger for lunch while watching the choir performing at the amphi theater. I know it doesn't sound quite enjoyable but I devote myself to little things, keke.

Well, it's june holidays, but as a sec 4, I'm not allowed to rest. In fact, I have
2 extended weeks at school, as in... inofficial school days yet even more tiring than normal school days. I have to stay at school until 2.40pm, after that got english bridging course some more No PE, CE, mother tongue... Haish, sec 4 life just sucks to the core. I really have no idea what will it be like to go to JC. I may commit suicide for being overstressed.

Anyways, better start accelerate now. Exam's coming soon.

Homework list:

1. Bukit Panjang emath prelim paper

2. Revision for geog and ss test.

3. 4 English comprehension.

4. Lit preperation for lecture.

5. Self-study ammonia chapter


Oh yeah, my birthday is coming soon. 17th. I dont expect anyone to remember... Sometimes it's just nice having a birthday party of your own. Maybe I'll order a cake for myself and eat it alone :P
Diversity's dance act


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